Monday, June 09, 2008

Monday should be the third day of the weekend.

So I started the weekend intending to get a bunch of my work from my drawing class into my computer but other things conspired to make that impossible. The weekend turned out to be much busier than I had expected, so in lieu of some more art I will instead post about another artist who has inspired me. Hmmmmm... which one though, there are so many... ok, let's go with the big one, John Howe. John Howe is a legendary Lord of the Rings illustrator. He has done the art for many a LOTR product as well as concept art for the latest movies. He seems to work mostly with watercolour and he is amazing. He is a Canadian who lives now in Switzerland (It sounds pretty rad over there). Man I suck at this, perhaps these will get better over time but suffice it to say go check out his website here.

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