Monday, June 23, 2008

Get Smart

So I have tried to avoid posting anything that is not art related on this blog but that resulted in no posts for over a week, so as a compromise here is a non-art related post. Saw the movie Get Smart on Saturday and it was AWESOME! 5 out of 5 stars, two thumbs up! I loved it. Get Smart was one of those shows I watched ALL the time when I was a kid and this did not disappoint at all. Now maybe there are more hardcore people out there who could nitpick it to death but for me it had all the feel of the tv show with the goodness of modern comedy movies. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Incidentally, I was wondering the other day why were most of the tv shows I watched as a kid in the 80s from the 60s or 70s? I mean I guess there were a bunch of 80s shows that I watched as well, but still there were a lot of older shows. Nowadays you don't see shows from say the 80s or 90s outside of the specialty channels. Weird.

1 comment:

Bum Atom said...

love the show and it continues on,