Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Whatever happened to Kool-aid man? He was the best. He would unexpetantly burst through solid brick walls to tell you about his sugary drinky goodness. I think remember him playing guitar, wearing a hawaii shirt and even skateboarding. That guy was up on all the trends. Bring back Kool-Aid man. Oh Yeah!!!! (No, I don't think this picture is 'official'. I don't know if he is saving those chicks with his Kool-Aid or if he knocked them out with flying debris when he came through the wall.) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Ben, I think that Kool-aid man smashed through the brick wall in hopes of knocking the girls unconsious so that he could then go and rescue them, hoping that they would not realize that he knocked them out in the first place. And then they'd all be like, oh Kool-aid man, you're our hero (said in really ditsy girl voices).
Brett, they totally do sell pitchers with the kool-aid face on them. Or at least they did, I remember them from when I was a wee lass (said in a Scottish accent?).

Chrissy and Brian said...

I agree totally, not sure why you thought of it, but you are so right, Kool-Aid man DOES need to make a comeback!!!
Big B

Jason Your Car Guy said...

I am with you all, maybe the new Fuel gear should be the Kool-Aid man.


Tammy Williams said...

KOOL-AID....sheesh, I can't remember the last time I even had the drink. Good call though - he was a hottie (or should I say Koolie?).