Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Vision

So we in FUEL are in a bit of a state of flux. We are taking a look at what FUEL is and asking ourselves questions about FUEL's vision and mission. Thought I would post a little something about Vision my father passed along to me.

Lessons from Abraham Gen. 12-22.
Criteria for God Given Vision

A Vision Must...

1. Begin with God's Priorities - Gen. 12:1-2.

2. Connect with the leader's identity - Gen. 15:2-4

3. Involve and bless others - Gen. 12:2,3

4. Be bigger than the leader - Gen. 12:1-8

5. Connect with the leader's deepest convictions - Gen. 18:9-12

6. Be tangible and easily communicated - Gen. 15:5

7. Have eternal value, affects the eternal destiny of others - Gen. 17:19,20

1 comment:

Jason Your Car Guy said...

All good points Ben, I need to think them all over. I'll get back to you.