Tuesday, December 06, 2005


So I heard a horrible story today. This was in the paper this morning. Apparently a man from Edmonton went down to Mexico for his daughters wedding. He was scuba diving when he had a heart attack. The family waved down a taxi to get him to the hospital (I guess there is no 911 equivalent). The taxi driver, on seeing the man was in trouble, proceeded to extort the family, demanding 2000 Canadian dollars to drive the man to the hospital. They didn't have that much money, he agreed to take them the few blocks to the nearest fire station for only 200 Canadian dollars. With nothing else to do they agreed. When they arrived at the fire station the firemen there refused to perform any CPR or life saving measures claiming they don't assist tourists. Finally they got the firemen to take them to the nearest clinic, not an actual hospital. When they arrived the locals waiting there were apparently quite upset that this tourist was going to go in ahead of them, despite the fact that he was DYING. The man did not survive, he died at the clinic. When the doctor came out to tell the family apparently the locals who were waiting cheered at the news of the mans death. CHEERED! They were happy I guess because it shortened their wait for the doctor. CHEERED A MAN'S DEATH! I know it sounds like one of those internet stories that go around and isn't true it's so unconceivable that people would do that, but it was in the paper. I am disgusted, saddened, outraged. How do you deal with people who have that kind of callous unconcern for their fellow man? What kind of social and cultural circumstance foment that kind of outlook on life? Some days I think God should have finished the job with the flood. Obviously we aren't getting the message.


RainbowBrite said...

That is horrible...Some people are just horrible. They will get what is coming to them in the end

BethJoy said...

It is unbelievable how we humans treat each other every day! God must be so sad:( We all need to re focus and look out for each other, EVERYONE!

Chrissy and Brian said...

Hmmm... note to self... don't get sick while in Mexico.
Thanks for the tip Benny!