Friday, December 16, 2005

The Apprentice

Apprentice ended last night, Randall 'won'. Once he learned he had won he walked over to his opponent.... and metaphorically kicked her in the face and then spit on her. I always knew there was something not right with that Randall. I have to give him props for being such a good actor, he sure had everyone fooled with his nice guy act. What kind of a business person would not go for the win-win scenario!?!? A poor one IMHO. For those who may not have been watching The Apprentice. During the final face-off both finalists made some mistakes and both did some things well, they were neck and neck, Donald wanted to hire them both, he hired Randall first and then asked his opinion, letting him make the choice to hire Rebecca or not. I'd like to think that most people would have hired her, Randall instead shows his low character and tells Trump that he should be the only apprentice. Unbelievable. If I were Trump I would have reversed my decision on the spot, fired Randall and hired Rebecca. Randall, I hope you get fired.


RainbowBrite said...

I know what a dink...I was so mad because I think that she would have said that they should definatly hire Randell...She should have stood up and knocked him out

BethJoy said...

did you see Rebecca shaking her head, she was shocked too!

Tammy Williams said...

I had it in for Randell the entire time. He just seemed so arrogant and he talked WAY TOO MUCH! I was sooooo mad at his reaction in the finale that I really wanted to punch him out myself, and I don't usually get that upset at anyone.