Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Just a quick post while I still have time left on my break. Saw Serenity last night. It was great. Loved it. Best sci fi to come along in quite some time. Quick thoughts. River rocks, it wasn't western enough, I missed the show's title song, can't believe the killed who they killed (don't want to give too much away), loved it, I want a sequel, or I want the show back... or both. Joss Whedon is my master now. :D


RainbowBrite said...

You work at home...can't you just take breaks whenever you want? I mean you are totally responsible and would never do that :D

Anonymous said...

I agree, not enough of a Western theme going on. BUT other then that, it was an amazing movie!!! River is the awesomest fighter ever. Too bad my fighter named River died. AMAZING movie, definitly worth at least a second screaning.