Monday, September 19, 2005

Doctor Jeffries

So I think I might not live past Wednesday September 28th 4:00 PM. You see, I have this 'condition' called Hypo Active Thyroidism so I am supposed to take a pill called Synthroid everyday. When I run out I have to go to get a blood test. The place where I had the standing order for a blood test is now very far away from my house. I ran out of pills.. mmm.... let's just say it was 'awhile' ago and havn't gotten down to the clinic for the test. Might have something to do with laziness but also I hate needles... especially needles that are taking stuff out of me. Seriously, those things are HUGE, and they always have trouble finding veins so instead of withdrawing and trying again they figure the best thing to do is dig around a little until they hit something. But I digress, the point is, I have not been taking my synthroid for too long and when I called my doctor's office to see what needed to be done to transfer my standing order to some place closer to my house the assistant figured out it must have been some time since I had a test because some process had changed. Long story short she said Dr. Jeffries would want to see me before giving a new order, which means he will find out how long it has been since I have had my Synthroid and why (my being stupid) and out of exasperation he might have me beaten by his doctor assistants and dumped out back. I looked up the symptoms of Hypo Active Thyroidism... man there are way more than my doctor told me about, and I can prolly put a check mark beside too many of them... stupid thyroids. I'm betting these all can't be soley attributed to thryoidism though, I mean 'hair loss'? Oooo, lack of motivation, got that one, see post #1 heh. You know what is weird, I have totally noticed my speech being slower / getting toungue tied more often since being without the Synthroid, weird.

Hypo Active Thryoid Symptoms.

Abdominal pain and distention
Aversion to cold (Cold intolerance)

Brain Function problems which include:
Mental fog,
Memory loss - Brain fog

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Constipation – the more hypo we become, the more severe this becomes

Decreased body temperature
Depression which worse if patient moves into myxedema coma
Dry coarse skin and hair

Emotional liability unable to control one’s emotions
Enlarged muscle fibers with muscle weakness (Hoffman's syndrome)
Eyebrows stop growing, outer 1/3 of eyebrows stop growing or have limited growth

Feeling of being overwhelmed


Hearing loss, deafness
Heavy menses & cramping
High cholesterol and lipid levels
Hoarse voice

Impaired blood clotting
Impaired digestion
Impaired skeletal growth

Increased capillary fragility (bruising)
Increased creatine phosphokinase (CPK) level
Increased diastolic blood pressure
Increased fertility problems
Increased menstrual cycle

Irregular heart rate (bradycardia)

Joint pain
Lack of motivation
Loss of initiative

Muscle pain
Myxedema (waterlogged appearance of skin) puffy eyes, face, hands, feet

Nails changes, nails split, break, get thickened
Nasal stuffiness, dry throat
Nocturnal paraesthesia (hands or legs falling asleep)
Nutrient deficiencies


Severe hair loss
Severe weight gain even when not eating much
Sinus problems and or infections
Sleep apnea
Sleepiness, lethargy, insomnia, interrupted sleep
Slow speech

Thickened, dry tongue,( dry mouth)


BethJoy said...

Ben Ben Ben, you need a wife bad! Come on, us women have to go to the doctor once a year, mandatory! But I guess we have that monthly thing which keeps us on our toes. Although it is only since being married my doctor makes me see her every year and the fact that I am bearing children, they kind of like to keep up to date with us, and Jonah has to go any way so they might as well check me too. Maybe I'll send you with Jonah once in a while so you will have to get checked! Get those pills and take them.
Love your lil' Sis. xoxox

Reverend Joyleaf said...

"us women have to go to the doctor once a year, mandatory"

Mandatory? Please. That's a load of bull. Mandatory!? Hardly. I never read nothin' that said anyone HAS to go to the doctor.

BethJoy said...

No one HAS to go to the doctor, but my doctor "recommends" me book an appointment at least once a year. I consider it mandatory if I want to have more babies and keep on top of what is going on with me health wise. So back OFF! lol

RainbowBrite said...

Ben...You better go to the doctor or your gonna have to worry about more then just the doctor's assistance beating you up

Chrissy and Brian said...

Uncle Benny!
Come on man. Do I need to practice with my needles on you to get you used to it???
Trust me, Meds=Feelin Good
ahhhhhhhhhhh Insulin...
Big B

Reverend Joyleaf said...

Call me a pessimist or perhaps a better word would be cynic, but I just don't like going to the doctor.

As far as I'm concerned the doctors don't really care about their patients. They just want a client to come and go and quickly as possible and as frequently as possible. Why? Money in the bank. That's what it's all about. Another patient, another appointment, another deposit into their account. That's it.

Tammy Williams said...

At least y'all don't have to pay for health care now. Count your lucky stars....haha. Hope everything works out Ben.

BethJoy said...

I agree about the doctor's only wanting you to come in so they will get paid. I try sometimes to call and talk to her before coming all the way in and they fight me every time. It's because they don't get paid for phone calls only appointments!!!

Ben said...

Ya, I am sure I am mostly useless to the doctors, I take up a slot on their roster but only come in a couple times a decade, or if something has fallen off or perhaps an organ is trying to leave without permission.

Evey said...

Tammy your getting married in what 2 weeks? how will u have to pay for healthcare. Jeremy has a good job..I don't pay for healthcare. I am on Chris's plan cause we are married.

And Ben....go to the doctor man;)